
To Put You Into The Lane Of Fitness


Some frequently asked questions answered, click on the question below to reveal the answer

YourFitnessLane currently has certified coaches and you can enroll with any one of them to avail online consultation by selecting a fitness package according to your goal and budget. Based on your current lifestyle and fitness goals the coach will design a customized diet chart and a workout plan. The coach will keep a track on your progress so that you achieve your goal and see visible and satisfactory results. Weekly update calls will be there between you and the coach and based on your progress and the discussion coach might decide to make few changes to your diet chart.

The workout plan will have video links wherever possible so that it becomes easy for you to understand how to do the exercises. From time to time the coach might ask for your workout videos to see if you are doing them correctly.

Transformation of each individual depends on several factors like genetics, lifestyle, past and present dietary habits, medical conditions and many others. The coaches will be committed towards your goal and will show you the path however what is most important is your commitment to the process. Though no one can guarantee results but we can assure you that if you are dedicated and follow exactly as the coach says then you will definitely see improvement from where you started. Also please know that the weight loss in kg is not the only progress marker, but inch loss, improvement of sleep quality, strength and stamina improvement and better food relationship are all signs of progress.

This depends on what medical issues you have and also you should take a green signal from your doctor always before starting any diet or fitness program. In cases of medical issues we advise you to speak to us once before enrolling so that we can suggest you a coach accordingly. Our coaches will keep in mind all your medical parameters while guiding you.

We at YourFitnessLane strongly believe that external motivation doesn’t work for long so before joining the program we suggest you to understand if you are motivated enough to follow a quantified diet program for 90 days or more and then take an informed decision. All our coaches will be empathetic and will try help you whenever you reach out to them about the problems you are facing and they will try to guide you with a solution.

Your coach will surely contact you once between 7th to 10th day for updates but in some cases they may contact you midweek also. You can contact your coaches as many times as you during their working hours over whatsapp messages and for calls we suggest always to fix a timing by dropping a message. Coach will generally try to reply within 3/4 hours max if during working hours, outside working hours please expect a reply the next day.

Yes once during a program period you can take a medical break of maximum one month subject to you sending us the medical certificates/reports.

The things you should have are a food weighing scale, a body weight measuring scale and a measuring tape. If you want to do home workouts then a pair of adjustable dumbells and a resistance tube will be required.

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